
Mance Izmajlova's concert in Moscow and on Siol.net

MANCE IZMAJLOVA and Benjamin Izmajlov's CONCERT at the Moscow Philharmonic, IN HONOR OF THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BETWEEN SLOVENIA AND RUSSIA Today at 5 p.m. our time, there will be a big concert in the Moscow Philharmonic in honor of the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Slovenia and Russia. With Manca...

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CONCERT by MANCE IZMAJLOVA and Benjamin Izmajlov in the Moscow Philharmonic,



Today at 5 p.m. our time, there will be a big concert in the Moscow Philharmonic to celebrate the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Slovenia and Russia. The Slavic soul will sound with Manca Izmajlova. She will be accompanied on stage by the Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography, led by conductor Sergei Skripka. He has been working with the orchestra for many years, with it he also recorded the platinum CDs 'Slovanska duša' and 'Slovensko srce' and filled well-known halls around the world several times. The Slavic soul project has been upgraded this time, as they and their husband, violin virtuoso and music producer Benjamin Izmajlov, invited the famous Russian academic choir AA Yurlova to participate.

An event that Slovenia has never had in Moscow before! 160 musicians on stage will perform the most beautiful Slavic and Slovenian melodies, from classical and film themes to popular melodies.

The concert will be attended by the most prominent representatives of world diplomacy, economy, culture and media in Moscow.

Manca and Benjamin once again succeeded in connecting the cultures of several nations and at the same time taking Slovenian music to the world. In cooperation with the embassy in Moscow, they combined inspiration and promotion of Slovenia. It will be magnificent and unforgettable!

Watch the live broadcast today at 5 p.m. at http://www.siol.net/kultura/dogodki/2012/05/prenos_moskva_koncert.aspx

or at Paraclassics.com

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