
Concert: Marilyn Manson in Vienna

Brian Hugh Warner, better known as Marilyn Manson, will be in a hurry near us. As part of his European tour, he will also stop in Vienna.

Important information
Arena Open Air, Vienna, Austria
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Price of the arrangement: 84.99 euros.

Manson is a musician who has already raised a lot of dust in his career spanning over two decades, on all continents. He succeeds in this both with music and with his appearance and actions. With his music and provocations, he wants to destroy the taboos and prejudices of the majority, which for one reason or another are increasing in today's society. Just by choosing his stage name, he raised quite a few looks. He combined two iconic names that marked American history. Marilyn after the actress Monroe and Manson after the serial killer.

In his career, he has already received numerous awards and impressed different generations of fans of this genre. Despite the fact that some of his opponents attribute almost "satanic" qualities to him, he proved with his music and concerts that he is a musician of great quality. He has released numerous albums and performed on all continents. He has been preparing his new album for quite some time. For a taste, he betrayed the song Cupid Carries A Gun, which will be the last on the list of his upcoming album. Currently, this song is used in the successful American soap opera Salem, as the opening track of it.

Mason is more than convincing live. A stage-perfect performance, excellent sound, superb costume design and his stage presence guarantee an unforgettable musical experience. Mason does not repeat himself. We can expect that he will serve us old hits in a new guise as well as sweets from his new album in preparation.

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