
Concert: Neca Falk - From afar in Cinema Šiška

Photo: rtv.slo

Neca Falk will present her new album From afar with a concert at Kino Šiška.

Important information
Cinema Šiška
Facebook event
Entrance fee
13 euros in advance, 15 euros on the day of the concert

In the month of May, he will see the light of dayNece Falk's album, which bears the name From afar. As she said at an intimate concert in Pinella's living room, she decided to take this step before waving goodbye to herself. It was created ten beautiful songs in author collaboration with Boštjan Narat. Only - these are written on her skin. With texts in which every listener will find something, the listener will really impress us.

The words, however, became horses in a musical connection with to the excellent Žigo Golob on bass, to the playful Boštjan Gombac on all possible percussions and wind instruments and with a charming Boštjan Narat on guitar. We are definitely in for a real treat great concert on which they will present their new musical creation, which is a reflection of the fruitful collaboration of top musicians and it's simple. Here and now. They won't forget even a few of hers greatest hits, who skilfully gave them a new musical image. We can expect a beautiful evening with a superb voice and great energy.

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