
Concert of Cars in Novi Mesto

Cars belong to the category of bands that have left a deep mark on the Slovenian music scene in the last twenty-five years and can already be defined as legends. Cars are not just music, they are thinking and a way of life, joy and crying, past and future. Their untrendy immediacy always...

Important information
Club San Sebastian, Prešernov trg 1, Novo mesto
Facebook event
Entrance fee
€7 in advance, €10 on the day of the concert

Cars belong to the category of bands that have deeply marked the Slovenian music scene in the last twenty-five years and can already be defined as legends. Cars are not just music, they are thinking and a way of life, joy and crying, past and future. Their non-trendy immediacy keeps gaining popularity even among younger listeners, which indicates that the tale of Cars will not end for a long time.

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