
Concert: No smoking is also celebrating its 30th anniversary in Cvetličarna

Braženno pošenje is coming to Cvetličarna as part of their European tour on December 13th, where they will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of their first album Das Ist Walter.

Important information
Flower shop, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from €14.99 to €21.99

No smoking were formed in 1980 as a classic "garage band". It was not until 1984 that Zagreb's Jugoton released their first album This is Walter, which achieved record sales of 100,000 copies, although the initial print run was only 3,000 copies. In addition to creating music, the band members realized successful television comedy show Top list surrealist. In 1985, they released the album Dok čekaš sabah sa shaitanom, and two years later the album Pozdrav iz zemlje Safari. This was followed by the album Little witnesses about big love. In the summer of 1997, they released the album Fildžan viška, which was followed a year later by the first live concert album Zabranjenog pušenja Hapsi sve!. The following year they prepared the album Agent tajne sile, and in 2000 the album Bog vozi Mercedes.

READ MORE: Concert: Morcheeba in December at Tvornica Kulture in Zagreb

Sarajevo rock band Zabranjeno pušenje.
Sarajevo rock band Zabranjeno pušenje.

In 2004, they released the album Live in St.Luis, which was created after the band's concerts in the USA and Canada in 2002. In 2006, they completed the soundtrack for the Sarajevo film Nafaka, directed by Jasmin Duraković, and soon after they were in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia also released the long-awaited double CD Hodi da ti chiko something da. In 2009, they also released the album Museum of the Revolution and last year Radovi na cesta.
You can buy the first hundred tickets at eventim.si at a price 14.99 euros, tickets are on sale in advance 17.99 euros and on the day of the concert 21.99 euros.

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More information:
 forbidden-pusenje.com and cvetlicarna.info

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