
Concert: Siddharta two nights in a row at Štuk

Siddharta, the most successful and popular rock band in Slovenia, will perform two nights in a row at Štuk in Maribor.

Important information
ŠTUK, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
pupils and students: €9, others: €12

Siddhartha, today the biggest name on the Slovenian music scene, was born in 1995 in the lineup Tommy M. (vocals, guitar), Primož B. (guitar, backing vocals), Primož M. (bass) and Boštjan M. (drums). They put on a name the title of a novel by the German writer Hermann Hesse.
Soon they started creating their own music, their own sound. They wanted to be different, so they enriched the sound with saxophone and keyboards. A saxophonist joined the group Prices R. and later a keyboardist Tomaž OR Together they created their own sound, which is easily recognizable as Siddhartha's sound. Even before the release of the first album, in 1998 he could already be heard on the all-Slovenian project of RTV SLO and Studio Tivoli - Siddharta was chosen from a selection of promising Slovenian groups and ranked first on the compilation Tivoli Pomp.
Their career developed more than successfully, and we all know them for their hits Path to X, Lunanai, Only and Only, B Mashina, Plastika, Ring, Small Hands, etc.

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Discography of Siddhartha:

  • id (1999)
  • Lunanai (EP) (2000)
  • North (2001)
  • Silicon Delta (2002)
  • Rh- (2003)
  • Rh-Bloodbag Limited Edition (2003)
  • My Dice (EP) (2005)
  • Rave (EP) (2005)
  • Rh- Special Edition (2005)
  • Rh- (English) (2005)
  • Petrolea (2006)
  • Little Hands (EP) (2007)
  • Marathon (2007)
  • Excavated (2007)
  • War of Ideas (EP) (2008)
  • Napalm 3 (EP) (2009)
  • Baroque (EP) (2009)
  • Angel Diabolo (EP) (2009)
  • Saga (2009)
  • VI (2011)
  • Stožice Stadium (2012)
  • Songs (2012)
  • Siddharta and the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra (2013)
  • Infra (2015)
  • Ultra (2015)

Last year saw the release of their eighth studio album, Ultra! They went full circle with him 20th year of operation and fulfilled the promise of twenty new songs. Ten of them can be found on Infra, while Ultra brings the other half.

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