
Concert: Prismojeni Blues Professors with a "farewell" in Križanke

Proud Blues Professors

The proud Blues Professors are steadily expanding their fan base. With concerts lasting more than three hours, during which the good energy is constantly growing, they are forging themselves into the stars of Slovenian rock music. September 16. In 2016, the Prismojeni Blues Professors will present a new program in Križanke, which will of course be crowned with their old hits. Don't miss one of the biggest autumn rock parties! Tickets are already available.

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September 16, 2016 they will Proud Blues Professors in Križanke temporarily said goodbye to the loyal Slovenian audience with a farewell concert. In the fall, they are going on a study vacation and musical training in America. But before that, as said, there is more to come good rock party under the auspices of Plečnik's architecture.

The components of Prismojnej Professors Blues are Miha Ribarič (bass guitar), Zlatko Đogić (drums and vocals) and brothers Julian (guitar and vocals) and Miha Eric (organ and vocals). The group released this March his studio debut, the album Family, with which she officially became one of the indispensable and creative artists who contribute their quality to the development of Slovenian music.

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In September in Križanke, the rockers will say goodbye for a while
In September in Križanke, the rockers will say goodbye for a while

In Križanke, the boys will mainly play their own game new program, but of course there will be no shortage important old hits. The concert will also be recorded and we expect it already in the fall Nov live album! Tickets are for Early birds available at a price of €17 - but hurry, because these tickets are gone limited. See you on 16.9. in Križanke!

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