
A connection that is stronger than you think: this is what your handwriting reveals about you!

Graphology really exists: this is what your handwriting reveals about you!

Researchers have been trying for a long time to make a connection between an individual's handwriting and his personality and behavior. Although there is considerable disagreement among them as to whether such connections even exist and how reliable they are, in any case it is fun to read what your handwriting says about you.

Although it is not possible to completely judge someone by the way they write, there are certain guidelines, what the random features of the font mean. And that's what it's called GRAPHOLOGY!

Font size. If your font is bigger, it means that you want people to notice you and understand you. Plus, you're probably an extrovert. If your font is small, you are probably introverted and have a strong concentration.
Tilt. If your handwriting is without italics, you are very logical and pragmatic. If your handwriting tends to lean to the left, you are likely to be friendly, sentimental, and impulsive, and place great emphasis on friends and family. If you write with a slant to the left, it means that you are more introspective and reserved.
Pressure. Those who write with stronger pressure are more emotional and impulsive. Those who write with a lighter pressure, however, are less emotional and more influenced by reason.

What pressure do you write with?
What pressure do you write with?

Connection between letters. If the letters are not connected to each other, you are probably a more logical and methodical individual who makes his decisions based on rational consideration. If your letters are connected, you often rely on your intuition.
Dotting the i's. Those who make circles instead of dots are likely to be more childlike, playful and artistic. Those who make dots, however, pay attention to details.

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