
Continuando: Riccardo Licata - Venetian artist

The presentation of the Italian and internationally renowned artist Riccardo Licata in Ljubljana on the fiftieth anniversary of his first exhibition in Venice testifies in particular to the great tradition of using mosaic and glass in the master's long-standing work. The author, who lives between Paris and Venice, is a contemporary of famous artists such as...

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NMS - Prešernova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The presentation of the Italian and internationally renowned artist Riccardo Licata in Ljubljana on the fiftieth anniversary of his first exhibition in Venice testifies in particular to the great tradition of using mosaic and glass in the master's long-standing work. The author, who lives between Paris and Venice, is a contemporary of famous artists such as Samuel Hayter and Johnny Friedlaender, the founders of modern graphics, and Gino Severini. Licata was a member of the Italian group Young Abstract Painters; he presented himself at more than 300 solo exhibitions in 35 different cultural spaces. In 2009, a large retrospective exhibition was organized for him in the museum of the Doge's Palace in Venice. Among many international exhibitions in the world, in 1959 he also participated in the Italian selection at the III. international graphic exhibition in Ljubljana.

Exhibition curators: Aleksander Bassin and Giovanni Granzotto
Coordinator at the National Museum of Slovenia: Mateja Kos

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