
The Coronation of Popeye, the last opera by Claudio Monteverdi, at SNG Maribor

On March 11, 2016, an opera by the Italian early baroque composer Claudio Monteverdi will take place in the Great Hall of SNG Maribor, with which he set a new milestone in the history of musical theater. For the first time, the content is based on a real historical anecdote, and not on ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

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SNG Maribor
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Entrance fee
26 €

The Coronation of Popeye is an operatic masterpiece Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi wrote in 1643 and recorded it in history as the first opera with a story based on a true anecdote.
The title character of the opera with political ambitions, a legendary beauty He sings, it is the Roman emperor Nero so charmed, that she is crowned empress despite his common-law wife, Octavia. This was a revolutionary shift towards sensuality, personal and politically motivated intrigues, carnal passions and satire during the early Baroque period.

READ MORE: The musical One Thousand and One Nights premiered at MGL

Excerpt from the opera The Coronation of Popeye by Claudio Monteverdi.
Excerpt from the opera The Coronation of Popeye by Claudio Monteverdi.

Monteverdi's opera is not only attractive because of the magnificent historical background of ancient Rome, its beauty lies mainly in lyrical music of early Venetian opera. With the singing virtuosity of Monteverdi's work, she staged the opera The Coronation of Popeye new standards of operatic creativity at the time.

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