
Coronavirus: What can each individual do for their community?

How can those who have not (yet) been affected by the coronavirus be the light in the darkness?

The ever-changing news about the coronavirus, about Covid-19, can paralyze us, so to speak. The future is uncertain.

We know that we must wash our hands, that we must not touch our faces, that we must keep a social distance. However, we do not know how many people have been or will be exposed to the virus, how many will show symptoms, how many will survive.

We know that the world is changing every day, that the virus disproportionately affects the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, but that ANYONE can get sick. But we don't know when stocks will recover, how the economy will be affected, or what the world will look like when the pandemic is over.

But we can be sure of one thing: we have the opportunity to be a light in the darkness!

We have the opportunity to be the light in the darkness!
We have the opportunity to be the light in the darkness!

We can speak with compassion to those who are exposed to the virus on a daily basis. We can be quiet about any current inconveniences that could save lives. We can put aside selfishness and greed and buy only what we really need and leave basic supplies for EVERYTHING.

There comes a time in everyone's life when we feel powerless, but luckily we are often in a position where we can be strong for others, when we can help them. And now is the moment for communities to shine!

Perhaps you have already found yourself in a situation in your life where you could rely on the help of your neighbors, friends, your community. You may have experienced the bravery and kindness of local heroes who delivered food in your time of need, took care of your children when you couldn't, followed you to the pharmacy, changed your light bulbs, encouraged you, and shared memories that made you laughed. They recommended your favorite books and movies to make the time pass faster and cheered you on every step of the way.

They brought light in the darkness!

And how can all of us who are not (yet) affected by the Covid-19 coronavirus bring light to the darkness these days?

We can get information from trustworthy sources and abandon rumors and fake news for the benefit of ourselves and others.

We can keep a good sense of humor while not making light of a virus that is responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide.

While the number of people affected by the coronavirus is increasing every day, we can offer our support to affected families and individuals: prepare meals for them, go to the store for them, write them a word of encouragement...

It's time to recognize the heroes among us: medical teams, people who are exposed to the virus every day because they are in such a job, residents of homes for the elderly and all those who take care of sick loved ones at home.

We can re-evaluate our own priorities, discerning the difference between true tragedy and trivial annoyances. We can practice what we talk about so often, but rarely do: we can forget about these "first world problems", forgive petty grievances, accept the gift of a new day...

There are countless variables that we cannot predict or control, but we can control our responses and become resilient, compassionate and sane as we co-create a community of help, hope and light!

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