
Could you live longer in the embrace of trees?

When walking through the forest, the gaze stops at the trees and growth, the senses are overwhelmed by the smells and sounds that are unique to this environment. Relax and breathe, feeling rejuvenated and invigorated. No, these are not just feelings, as forests have been proven to have a significant effect on physical and psychological health.

Trees defend themselves and us

Trees produce special chemicals called phytoncides – volatile natural oils that they use to defend against unwanted pests. By walking through the forest, people also come into contact with phytoncides. Research led by Dr. Qing Li from Japan has proven that these stimulate the natural activity of killer cells, important members of the immune system. The response of NK cells is particularly important for the destruction of virally infected cells in the initial stages of infection and cancer cells. A short walk in the forest stimulates their activity even for a month.

Help us create a real forest

This fall, you can all plant trees that are important for health together with us. On the website, send a heartfelt thought to the loved ones in your life, and in return, Triglav Fund will plant young native tree seedlings in an area of impoverished forest area on Uršlja Gora. We will name the planted area A forest of hearts, you will be able to visit it and see young seedlings that will grow into mighty trees over the years.

A forest of hearts it can only be created with your help. Together we will invest in the future and the environment from which we all draw irreplaceable energy and health. The project is part of the wider campaign Let's Rejuvenate Forests 2021 under the auspices of SiDG.

In the Forest of Hearts, dedicate a tree to a loved one.

We support the environment through investments

At Triglav Skladi, we look to the future with our investors, who want to be involved in caring for the environment and sustainability. That's why we have prepared new funds for them that are tailored to their wishes and values. Triglav Zeleni is the right choice for anyone who wants to invest part of their savings in a greener social and social environment.

Forests are irreplaceable! Even with a small gesture, you can help preserve forested areas in our country, so plant a tree in the Heart Forest today.

* The socially responsible Triglav Zeleni Mutual Fund is a sub-fund of the Triglav Mutual Fund, managed by the company Triglav Skladi, doo, Slovenska 54, Ljubljana. The Prospectus of the Triglav mutual funds umbrella fund and key information for investors are available to investors in Slovenian at all registration points of the management company and on the website www.triglavskladi.si.

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