
Countries that are friendliest to women - Slovenia is one of them

There are both moral and economic reasons for promoting gender equality around the world. Countries that give opportunities to women tend to be economically stronger - according to the latest report, discrimination against women and girls is said to bring high development costs. So which are the countries that offer the most to women? Slovenia is also among them.

The OECD Development Center in cooperation with Social Institutions and Gender Index focused on fundamental structural barriers that deny women's rights, their access to justice and opportunities for development. The result is based on data from 160 countries and encompasses social norms, practices and laws – such as the age at which a girl can legally marry, the level of deliberate preference for sons in families, and access to financial services.
The best countries for women are like this: Belgium, France, Slovenia, Spain and Serbia.

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Unfortunately, not all 160 countries provided data, so a complete and more concrete ranking cannot be expected for the time being. On www.genderindex.org you can see how individual countries fared and how much gender discrimination still exists. To the bottom, honey the worst countries for women have been ranked: Chad, Mali, Gambia, Sudan and Yemen.

All over the world, every day, women and girls experience some form of discrimination, just because of their gender.

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