
A cow that thinks it's a horse

The male part of the readership is probably familiar with the question from the psychological test before the military draft, which asks if you feel like a woman trapped in a man's body. What would the cow Luna, who was instilled with the mindset of being a horse from an early age, answer a similar question?

Its owner, 15 years old Regina Mayer, she wanted a horse with all her might, and although her parents, the owners of a dairy farm in Laufen, Germany, did not fulfill her wishes, she did not give up on the idea that one day she would ride. She took matters into her own hands, went to the local barn and chose a heifer. And today he is on a horse, with a cow! Luna the cow, who after two years of painstaking training with Regina in the saddle willingly ride in the countryside, galloping, jumps over obstacles and he enjoys the company of horses, the real ones, although these "imitation" ones are more likely to avoid them. But that doesn't bother her. Like some girls who prefer to be in a more masculine company, Luna also prefers to be in a horse than in a cradled cow. And surely because of its difference other cows pull it by the teeth and chew it like straw and cover it with swear words like "cow". Sorry "man".

READ MORE: Underwater canine joys

The first cow with a 'tie'.
The first cow with a 'tie'.

The moon 'speaks' fluently"horse” language therefore, he has no problems deciphering commands such as "go", "stand" and "gallop". But her innate stubbornness and cow instincts were not so easy to tame when leading with a bridle, so Regina turned to a Swiss expert for advice. In the end, she managed to put a 'bridle' on those Luna instincts. And since some things still cannot be solved with a bridle, there is a carrot for everything else.

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