

Ten-year-old Jojo lives with his father in the countryside. His days pass between lonely wanderings in nature, water polo training and long phone conversations with his mother, a singer on tour in America. The father does not think much of the boy; his silence is broken only by occasional outbursts of anger. One day Jojo finds a young jackdaw and secretly brings it...

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Ten-year-old Jojo lives with his father in the countryside. His days pass between lonely wanderings in nature, water polo training and long phone conversations with his mother, a singer on tour in America. The father does not think much of the boy; his silence is broken only by occasional outbursts of anger. One day Jojo finds a young jackdaw and secretly brings it home. A friendship soon blossoms between the boy and the abandoned bird. The boy tenderly takes care of the helpless animal, feeds it, caresses it and teaches it to fly. But secrets come out sooner or later, and the little bird is not Jo's only secret.


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