
Cowboy 4: Electric bike for urban "cowboys"

The leading start-up manufacturer of electric bicycles Cowboy presented the latest version of their urban "horse".

Electrical bike Cowboy 4 represents a refined version of the transitional model labeled 3, from which it provides for 50 % more torque. Aluminum the bike frame is available in men and female version, and the total weight, together with the battery, amounts to 18.9 kilograms. An electric motor with power helps us drive the bike 250 watts, which can propel us to 25 km/h. The electric motor draws its energy from a capacity battery 360 Wh. For the stuffed ones you will only need around 3.5 hours and had available for do 70 kilometers "electric aids".

Cowboy 4 can boast of tires puncture resistant, lights integrated into the bicycle frame, hydraulic brakes and steering with integrated wireless mobile phone charger. For modern and technologically completed the city electric bike must be deducted 2,490 euros.

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