
Crazy - this is how you get rid of snoring forever!

Nora - "cure" for snoring

Do you know how to get rid of snoring for good? Snoring is a nuisance, especially for the one lying next to us. As a solution to snoring, we are offered countless products, but all of them are more or less ineffective or interfere with the comfort of our sleep. If you suffer from snoring or your partner suffers from snoring, now (finally) there is a device that will help you get rid of snoring for good in a non-invasive way! They call it Nora, the so-called first aid for snoring. It combines a sensor that detects when we start snoring and an inflatable insert that we place under the pillow to stop us imperceptibly, before we wake up our partner.

Basic information
Smart Nora Inc.
The price
175 €

Snoring, that eternal human scourge! Does your partner snore? Is it possible that you are the one who receives dark looks and reproaches from your partner in the morning that he didn't get any sleep because of your snoring? Snoring to many life goes on, and although many products convince us that they can eliminate your snoring, there is only one that can do it without anyone noticing. That is Crazy, inflatable anti-snoring device, which you insert under the pillow, and the wireless sensor for detecting snoring nearby is her "ears", because when she snores, she activates it to slightly change its shape, which causes our head to move slightly. What's the trick?

Snoring is a sound made when the soft tissue in the back of the throat relaxes during sleep closes the airways. This usually happens when the muscles that keep these pathways open become too loose, and a movement of the head makes them open again. stimulates, which widens the airways and silences or stops snoring.

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Nora springs into action as soon as she hears snoring, and it takes action even before you wake your partner up from a peaceful sleep with it. For nights without snoring, you no longer have to wear special masks, prostheses, sleep upright, have your nose taped, take medication... In fact, we don't even know about Nora if we don't point the finger at her. It also has an associated an app that tracks our sleep patterns, but we can order it on Kickstarter for (calculated) 175 euros.

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