
Creator Burger Robot prepares a burger of your choice

Hamburger is already waiting for you!

The world is striving for complete automation of work. Therefore, it is not so surprising that soon food will no longer be prepared by humans, but by robots. Are you tempted to try a hamburger that is prepared without the help of a human?

Creator Burger Robot is a device that measures slightly more than 4 meters in height and is intended for prepare delicious hamburgers. It just consists of it 350 sensors and 20 computers. They each contribute their share to the creation of a dish that is ready in everything five minutes.

Customers place their order with the robot manager, who then tells the Creator what kind of hamburger to prepare. Different types are available fresh bread rolls, vegetables, of cheese and what 15 different sauces. We must not forget about patty, made from pastured beef, and popular slices of steak.

What ingredients are in your dream hamburger?
What ingredients are in your dream hamburger?

The first restaurant where you can get unique hamburgers will be in San Francisco opened June 27. The creators devoted a lot to research and development 8 years time. With their innovation, they want to lower the price of quality food, so they decided to offer customers hamburgers at a price 6 dollars, which is converted to slightly more than 5 euros.

Hamburger is already waiting for you!
Hamburger is already waiting for you!

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