
Creepy: This is all Google knows about you! This is how you check everything Google knows about you!

Do you know what Google knows about you? Do you know why Google services are so good and useful? Because Google collects a lot of data about us. It knows how to customize our search, it knows what services suit us, it knows what our interests are, and it adapts the ads accordingly. See what Google knows about you. Maybe you learn something new about yourself!

Are you interested, What does Google know about you? How does it get hold of your data? Tracking cookies have long been considered one of the most effective ways to collect data about web users. But since the World Wide Web today resides on many platforms, the tech giants have resorted to an alternative.

Nothing escapes Google!
Nothing escapes Google!

Google, like Facebook, uses the SSO mechanism (Single Sign-On), which allows the user to connect to the borderless Google network by logging into one account. All of the user's subsequent moves online (from searching and visiting web pages to watching videos and using services such as Gmail, Drive and Docs) create digital history file, which becomes Google's property. Additional information is provided by Google through the mobile operating system Android, used by 80 percent of smartphones and tablets. So what does Google know about you?

READ MORE: What happens if you zoom in on photos on Google Maps too much?

Find out what Google thinks about you

In order for Google to show you ads that play on your consumer emotions, it collects all possible information about you and creates a profile for you based on this. You can check the collected information about yourself here: google.com/settings/ads

Check location history

If you're using the Android operating system, then you're probably constantly communicating your location to Google. You can check your online location history here:

Check your entire web search history

Google saves every search you make, and on top of that, records every click on an ad. You can view your online search history here: google.com/history

Subscribe to the monthly security and privacy report

Did you know that you can ask Google to deliver a monthly report on your account activity to your desk (read: to your email inbox) every month. In it you will find all the services you use. You can subscribe here: google.com/settings/dashboard

Google is watching our every move.
Google is watching our every move.

Find out which applications operate with data collected by Google

Google doesn't know how to keep secrets to itself, because it stores many applications with your data. Here you can see whose "vaduh" it is: security.google.com/settings/security/permissions. You can also silence apps and prevent them from accessing your data.

Export all data

Google allows the export of bookmarks, contacts, data collected in the cloud Google Drive, videos on YouTube, personal profile, photos... You can do this here: google.com/takeout

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