The creators of the animated adventures Shrek, Madagascar and Kung fu Panda take us far into prehistoric times, where we meet the Krud family. The main rule of the head of the Gruga family is that, except to find food, they never leave the safe haven of their home cave, which is very upsetting to his inquisitive growing up...
The creators of the animated adventures Shrek, Madagascar and Kung fu Panda take us far into prehistoric times, where we meet the Krud family. The main rule of the head of the Gruga family is that, except to find food, they never leave the safe haven of their home cave, which greatly displeases his inquisitive growing daughter Ip. But tectonic shifts force them to find a new home, and they are led through unknown lands by Ipa's new friend, which Grug doesn't like one bit. As they learn about many new wonders and constant dangers, they slowly get closer. The film can also be viewed in 3D, in a synchronized or subtitled version.