

You are invited to a Sunday workshop dedicated to letters! Letters are all around us. They come in all shapes and sizes. They annoy us when we try to read and write them for the first time. Sometimes they are too small, sometimes too much. Therefore, we will go to the land of letters and discover why they are like that and how they are created. The workshop is suitable for...

Important information
Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
free for children

Vabljeni na nedeljsko ustvarjalnico, posvečeno črkam! Črke so vse povsod okoli nas. So vseh oblik in velikosti. Nam nagajajo, ko jih skušamo prvič brati in napisati. Včasih so premajhne, včasih prezavite. Zato bomo odšli v deželo črk in odkrili, zakaj so take in kako nastanejo.

Delavnica je primerna za otroke od 5. leta starosti, mlajši v spremstvu staršev.

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