
Cryptex USB

One of the first associations when looking at the Crypteks USB is the writer Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress...)? No big deal, although she could (justifiably) be. For extremely "sensitive" data and just such people, a USB key with double protection will be perfect. USB is in...

One of the first associations when looking at the Crypteks USB is the writer Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress...)? No big deal, although she could (justifiably) be. For extremely "sensitive" data and just such people, a USB key with double protection will be perfect. The USB is in an aluminum case, which is actually a mechanical lock with 14,348,907 possible combinations to open. We must not overlook the 256-bit software protection of the data already stored on the USB stick. The 8 cm long and 2.7 cm wide data saver will be available in 4, 8 and 16 GB versions.


 Price: about 150 euros, available at www.crypteks.com


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