
A cube we can live in

The living cube

"The living cube" combines practicality, functionality and a cool look and solves the problem of all small apartments.

If you live in a very small apartment, in which you do not have enough space for all your books, records, shoes and other small things that accumulate in the apartment over time, and in addition, you chronically lack space for clothes, it is "The living cube" your ideal solution. It is a piece of furniture that surprises, because in the cube we find a shelf for records and a television, a place for clothes and shoes, and on top of the cube there is even a bed for guests. But that's not all, as the interior itself hides a huge amount of space for all off-season equipment.

Cube shaper, in which we can actually live, is Till Konneker. The young designer adheres to the principle that the design must follow the wishes and needs of the user and not the other way around. For this very reason, Kocko is ready to adapt to each client individually and thereby fulfill all their whims.

Info Box

We can buy the cube here.

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