
Cubiton® is a premium French wine in a cube

Cubiton® is a French start-up company that presents an innovative concept in the world of wine – premium French wine packaged in a practical cube. Vision, desire and passion for wine united three young French entrepreneurs who are already conquering France, England, the United States of America and Slovenia with their innovation.

The wines come from the wine-growing area of France, the region Bordeaux - white wine and rosé are produced on the vineyards of a world-renowned winemaker François Lurton, which owns vineyards in Spain, Chile, Argentina and France, the rose even complies with the principles of organic wine production, as a result of which it carries the European certificate for organically produced foods. Cubiton represents an innovation in the field of packaging, as it works according to the "bag-in-box" principle, which means practical packaging that is degradable and has a significantly smaller carbon footprint than bottled wine. The choice of top-quality wine is of prime importance, and the shape and design of the cubes with five motifs are just the finishing touch to the entire experience. Cubiton® will be your indispensable companion on picnics, sailing, dinners - or simply in the evenings when you close a glass of excellent wine to a good book or movie. Relaxed and chic!

His own Cubiton® you can order in the online store vinovkocki.com or you can find it in a wine shop Balthazar - The Wine Store at Gornji trg 22 in the center of Ljubljana.

April is a very special month, because Cubiton goes on a culinary adventure with a Slovenian blogger Ursalicious, which will be creating delicious recipes with and alongside Cubiton in the coming months. All lovers of excellent wine are cordially invited to join us on Friday, 29. 4. 2016, join in the bar Ljubljana cake at Adamič-Lundrove nabrežje 1, where you can try Cubit's white and rose wine and choose your favorite!

Cubiton® cordially invites you to follow his journey also on social networks: on Instagram @vinovkocki and on Facebook Cubiton Slovenia.

Info Box

Web page: vinovkocki.com
Instagram: @vinovkocki
Facebook: Cubiton Slovenia

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