
Culinary destination – Tokyo and Ayako Suwa

To eat is to live, to taste is to develop. So you could sort of translate the basic philosophy of Ayako Suwa's creation. Although she cooks extremely well, she is not a cook. Although she creates art with food, she is not a food stylist. He says that he shapes emotions and passions. We like to understand emotions by singing them. She creates spontaneous, even erotic relationships with those who taste her works of art. He says they have the most developed sense of food as art in France and Japan.

It would be hard to find a word to describe the interesting work he does Ayako Suwa. Somewhere in the broadest sense, she is an artist whose only medium is food. Even that sounds too simplistic. Ayako Suwa she was born thirty-seven years ago on the Japanese peninsula of Nono. From a young age, she liked to play restaurant, where the food was replaced by a wide variety of ingredients from nature, from sand, earth, stones to dead insects. Growing up, when her peers found the game boring, Ayako saw it as an increasing challenge.

The Scent of a Woman flavor was created in collaboration with Christian Dior.
The Scent of a Woman flavor was created in collaboration with Christian Dior.

Taste is a gift

Ayako Suwa looks elegant, calm and sophisticated. The gentle appearance hides an eternal researcher who is ready to do almost anything to satisfy her curiosity. At least anything related to food. Ayako he has no problem drinking snake venom and blood if it is part of getting to know the local culture and if he already finds himself in a Taiwanese food market. The latter, food markets, are also her inspiration. Wherever he travels in the world, one of his first tasks is to find a local market and familiarize himself with the cuisine. This is the only way he can create new flavors. He says that taste is a special gift that man has received. He rarely uses the word "to eat", he always prefers to use "to taste". Tasting is an experiential act, especially when you prepare food Ayako Suwa. Her studio, which she named Food Creation, is located in Tokyo.

Grassland and rustling seeds moving in the wind.
Grassland and rustling seeds moving in the wind.

To eat or not to eat?

So what does he do? Ayako Suwa? He creates edible exhibitions for galleries around the world, for magazines and for luxury brands such as Pop, Gucci, Montblanc and Veuve Cliquot. Her creations are provocative and shocking. That's why it takes a little courage to taste them. The question arises: to eat or not to eat? It does not create sour, sweet, salty, bitter dishes, it creates emotions, emotions. It's hard to imagine what anger, rage, joy, joy or Gucci taste like. For luxury brands, he often creates dishes on some occasion that are supposed to evoke the tastes of a particular brand. In addition to exhibitions and performances, the world learns about her work through pop up Guerilla restaurant.

The taste of longing.
The taste of longing.

Food that delivers messages

Guerilla restaurant is an experiential event that awakens the emotions of the guests. They serve special food that has only one purpose – to deliver a message of a certain emotion through the use of texture, temperature, aroma and taste. Her table is minimalist, elegant, with a contrast of textures and colors. Pop up Guerilla restaurant it has already appeared in Japan, Singapore, Paris, Berlin and elsewhere. Sometimes it grows for a few hours, sometimes for three days. Sometimes in a gallery, other times in the underpass of a train station or in an empty room of an unfinished building. Dinners that tell stories are created here. So far it is Ayako Suwa has already created hundreds of emotional dishes. Soup crackling could be rain. "A taste of regret turning into great anger," she called the dish made with American sherry, balsamic vinegar and seaweed. "Surprise and joy" is a dish of popcorn, cauliflower and manchmellow with salt.

"The taste of regret that turns into great anger," Ayako Suwa called the dish of American sherry, balsamic vinegar and seaweed.

He creates and names dishes based on his own emotions, but to someone else, the dish may evoke different emotions. As they wrote somewhere, in creations Ayako Suwa an almost erotic and completely spontaneous dialogue appears between the one who offers the food and the one who accepts it. Interestingly, yes Ayako all over the world it uses completely everyday local ingredients that people have on their tables in their everyday lives. He serves them with other flavors. The perception of her art around the world is different. Among the countries where people have the best sense of food and art, he singles out Japan and France.


Emotional essences - edible perfumes
As if everything wasn't mysterious enough, there are also products from the line Emotional Essence. Everyone can conjure sensual tastes with them. Emotional essences work in the same way as perfumes, except that they do not evoke feelings through the skin, but through food. As written in the instructions, a few drops of the selected essence can be added to food or drink, also according to the current feeling. Number 10 is the taste of comfort. Number 13 is the taste of contentment. The number 95 is the taste of anger. It also works the same as perfume. Emotional Essence is based on a non-alcoholic liquid created by the sake blending technique at the Fukumitsuya Sake Brewery, where sake has been made since 1625 according to a secret recipe. It is for ease of use Ayako Suwa also published the booklet Secret Recipes with secret recipes. The collection contains 19 elegant, passionate and also funny recipes that can be used with Ayaka's emotional essences. Mysterious, slightly magical, but definitely an interesting experiment that arouses curiosity. Like everything Ayako Suwa does.

Edible perfumes.
Edible perfumes.

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