
Culinary world - bread

Bread. Turks call it the food of friendship, and Finns have the same relationship with rye as Popeye with spinach - they are convinced that it is a source of strength and health. In Denmark, it is the most famous morning bread, and no visit to the southern part of the United States of America is complete without cornbread. With seeds, dried fruit, black, rye, white or buckwheat. Always ...

Bread. Turks call it the food of friendship, and Finns have the same relationship with rye as Popeye with spinach - they are convinced that it is a source of strength and health. In Denmark, it is the most famous morning bread, and no visit to the southern part of the United States of America is complete without cornbread. With seeds, dried fruit, black, rye, white or buckwheat. Always and everywhere, for 6000 years.


The first bread was kneaded by the Egyptians

Bread has always symbolized survival, happiness, fertility. The history of bread, which is present in one form or another all over the world today, goes back 6,000 years to the time of the Egyptians, who are said to have baked the first loaf of bread. Salt and water from the Nile were added to wheat flour ground in mills and the dough was kneaded. Until then, people ate grain in the form of porridge or baked millets on hot stones. The Egyptians, however, did not stretch the kneaded dough into an inch-thick plate like the others, but left the dough to stand and thus it began to rise. Since it was not possible to bake such a dough on coals, they came up with the idea of a bread oven. The first loaf of bread was created, which today is also indispensable in Slovenia. At one time, white bread symbolized prosperity, and poorer residents had to make do with black bread. Bread has always been mixed with potatoes,  beans, corn, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, ground spruce cones, tree bark (flour), fruit or grape pomace, flax and hemp heads and the like. Today, interestingly, black bread is among the best-selling breads in our country, followed by wholemeal bread.

Germans are the biggest "bread makers"

The most types of bread are baked in Germany, and on average every German eats as much as 82 kilograms of bread a year, while the French, despite the great fame of their baguettes and croissants, eat "only" 55 kilograms of bread a year. But the French are the proud owners of one of the most famous bakeries in the world. It is the cult and star bakery Poilâne, located on Rue de Cherche-Midi in Paris. Here, bread is still raised in the traditional way with sourdough, without yeast. The bread is sour and iconic, and even more so the story behind Poliân's doors. Lionel Poilâne, the most famous French baker, died in 2002 with his wife in a plane crash, and Apollonia Poilâne, who was only 18 years old at the time, took over the helm of the company, taking the name of the bakery beyond the borders of France. Today, the Poilâne empire is known worldwide, and their sourdough bread is ordered by Robert De Niro, Steven Spielberg and Lauren Bacall, among others.

New here: Bakeries

Even in our country, bread has outgrown the staple food, and more and more master bakers are creating real masterpieces. The newest ones will soon be able to be tested in this Kruharna, a new bakery brand that has devoted itself entirely to bread and is restoring its respect. Kruharna's breads are without additives, made from Slovenian flour and with traditional recipes. In addition to classic breads, in Kruharne we will also be able to try those with a geographical origin and breads with interesting additions, such as olives, mustard, spinach,... In addition, there will be no shortage of sweet products, which, as they say, will be made "without cheating", which it means desserts without margarine, cream slices without powders, and chocolate cakes made from quality dark chocolate. Are you drooling yet?


Bread in different parts of the world:


  • Wonton – Typical Asian dumplings made from a dough similar to noodles and filled with seasoned meat. They can be boiled in soup or fried and offered as a side dish.


  • Tortillas – A typical Mexican dish made from thick dough rolled into thin circles and fried in hot oil.


  • Chapati – A typical Indian dish made from chewy pieces of bread served with curry, peanut butter and honey, cheese and tomato or just butter.


  • Lefse – Flat bread made from mashed potatoes and flour, fried in a pan. It is served as a side dish or on its own with sugar and butter. It originates from Scandinavia.


  • Pie - oval and flat bread, hollow inside, perfect for sandwiches. It originates from the Middle East.


  • Croissant – the soft, fluffy moon-shaped bread originates from France.


  • Scones – Bread cut into thick triangles and toasted. It originates from Great Britain, where it is usually served with tea.


  • A bagel – Rubber bread roll with a hole. It was brought to the USA by Polish immigrants. It is best served with cream cheese or other delicious spreads.


  • Pizza Crust – originates from Italy, where it was initially considered food for the homeless, as it was baked from leftover dough. With the right filling, it is a very popular dish.


  • Fry Bread – Small, round breads, toasted in hot oil.



New Bakeries from 18.4 onwards at the following locations:


Ljubljana - Kongresni trg 5


Ljubljana - Pražakova 11


Ljubljana - Vodnikov trg 5


Koper - Market, Pristaniška Street 2


Maribor - Grajski trg 6


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