
Cunt, dog and fag

Gregor Fon's dramatic debut attracted quite a bit of interest even before the staging, when he was nominated for the Grudno Award at the Slovenian Drama Week. This was followed by a stage setting in the co-production of Imaginary and MGL. This season, the work with four players will mainly play outside the parent house according to...

Important information
Delavski dom, Trg svobode 11a, Trbovlje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 euros

Gregor Fon's dramatic debut attracted quite a bit of interest even before the staging, when he was nominated for the Grudno Award at the Slovenian Drama Week. This was followed by a stage setting in the co-production of Imaginary and MGL. This season, the work with four actors will mainly play outside the mother house on various stages in Slovenia. The scheme of the story, which takes place in a bar where not even a mobile network can reach, is a simple confrontation of three different views of the world. Beneath the surface of their conversation, which is loaded with cynicism, irony and amusing anecdotes, and which is increasingly brutal and merciless due to increasing amounts of alcohol, one can sense that their friendship is long dead, if it ever existed.

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