
Curtiss Zeus Radial V8: an electric tribute to the mighty V8 engine

The Curtiss company drew attention to themselves with their products some time ago, and with the presentation of the Curtiss Zeus Radial V8 engine, they are determined to become one of the most important 'players' among electric motorcycle manufacturers. Will they succeed?

About a year ago, the company Curtiss drew attention to itself with an electric motorcycle Zeus, which was almost artistic sculpture, not electrically transportable means. That's all they are now upgraded, and the result of the upgrade is called Zeus Radial V8.

Curtiss Zeus Radial V8
Curtiss Zeus Radial V8

V8 because it pays homage to the history of this extremely successful engine.
Curtiss Zeus Radial V8 has batteries installed in the form of a V8 engine, v two species with po by four 'rollers' – such a design is not only useful from an aesthetic point of view, but because of the placement of the battery faster and easier also they cool.

Curtiss Zeus Radial V8
Curtiss Zeus Radial V8

Zeus Radial V8 will have available 217 horsepower and will be available within the year 2020.
It will require a deduction 75,000 US dollars, which would be calculated around 66,600 euros.

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