
Cute footage of dogs (almost) overcome by sleep

Dogs who succumbed to sleep

Sometimes we are powerless before sleep. The eyelids are often unusually heavy, especially at work, when we are studying or when we sit on the sofa after a hard day. We also like to run out of time while reading a book. Apparently, we are not the only ones who are overcome by sleep so unexpectedly. Dogs also have the same "problem", but they are even cuter than humans in this battle. Don't believe it? We have proof.

You sometimes run out like this when you're reading a book or studying, because eyelids finally they become too heavy and the head spins, which brings you back to being awake for a few moments? Obviously, weakness before sleep is not only a weakness of people, but also of animals, more precisely ours four-legged marsupials.

READ MORE: Even dogs can be naughty sometimes

Even awake dogs lay down their weapons before sleep.
Even awake dogs lay down their weapons before sleep.

And yes, it's the cutest thing you'll see all day. Videos of dogs that they are losing the battle with sleep.

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