
Everyday habits of stylish women who are famous for their elegance

Contrary to popular belief, chic women aren't superhuman—they're just well-groomed. If we don't see them jumping around with stains on their blouses or kicking around in painful heels, it's not because these things can't happen to them. It's because they know how to act. The truth is that these women, whom we envy so much, follow some very useful habits that give them elegance, confidence and that "something" throughout the day. Here are some habits and tips of stylish women that will help us achieve elegance in our everyday life.

1. Let's plan in advance what we will wear the next day - preferably in the evening.

It's not magic or some science. All the elegant and well-groomed women we see have really worked hard to look that way. And it all starts with preparing clothes for the next day in the evening so that you don't spend the morning panicking about finding suitable pieces of clothing.

2. Let's give ourselves enough time to get organized.

This goes perfectly with preparing your wardrobe for the next day already in the evening. Instead of hitting snooze three times on the alarm, take time in the morning to get ready. Not only will we not leave the house in a hurry and uncoordinated chores, but it will also give us a few extra minutes to add a piece of jewelry or a belt for a really polished look.

3. Let's choose the right underwear.

Elegant women know that the basis of a great look is also good underwear. Let's plan the underwear for the fabric we will wear and the figure we have, thus ensuring the support we need. This will prevent underwear or fabric from slipping and avoid unpleasant situations at work or on a date.

4. Let's also follow other elegant, chic women for inspiration.

Stylish women can create their own look, but that won't happen without a brief study of various fashion icons and other ladies with killer style. The easiest way to get inspiration is Instagram and Pinterest accounts, where we can get endless ideas for our everyday look or for a more casual look.

5. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Sounds simple enough, right? We check the weather before we leave the house, so that we don't walk through the snow in low shoes or jump over puddles in nice sandals.

6. Dress appropriately for the occasion.

Well-dressed women in a given space are those who have dressed appropriately for the occasion. They look polished and appropriate - but never don a miniskirt for a room full of conservative views. If you ever wonder what to wear, think about where you are going and who will be there. There is a time for everything... at its own time.

7. We only wear clothes that fit and flatter us.

Even the most fashionable women have a pair of "skinny" jeans in their closet, waiting for them to fit again, or a blouse that is no longer the same after a visit to the dry cleaners - but they don't wear them. No matter how much we love having a piece in our wardrobe, if it doesn't fit, it's time to throw it out.

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8. We upgrade our look with an expensive piece or a piece that looks like this.

Have you ever wondered how plain jeans and a t-shirt look so chic on some women? This also has a lot to do with the fact that it fits this woman, but there is another subtle way that we ladies "raise the price" of our clothes. It can be a great leather belt, a special pair of earrings or a luxury bag - in any case, it will polish and upgrade our look.

9. Let's choose the perfect fashion accessories.

As Coco Chanel said: "When we choose fashion accessories, we always remove the last thing we put on." There is a point where fashion accessories are too much and stylish women know where that point is. Let's ask ourselves, do we really need a scarf and a necklace? Usually, the necklines on our clothes - whether it's bare arms or shoulders and cleavage - help define what kind of jewelry really suits us today.

10. Let's never lounge in our "good" clothes.

This is the reason why elegant women's dresses are never wrinkled. They are not lounging on the sofa in their jackets or silk dresses.

11. Let's fold and hang our clothes.

Unfortunately, our pants and blouses will not be wrinkle-free if we throw them around. We should get into the habit of hanging and folding our clothes, as this will ensure that they are ready for the next time we want to wear them.

12. Let's learn when it is appropriate to wear heels and when not.

No one looks chic or stylish trying to clumsily walk down the street in too-high heels. A fashionable woman is also a smart woman - she has enough shoes in stock, both comfortable and sophisticated, and knows when to wear which ones.

13. Sort clothes for washing machine and dry cleaning.

Instead of shuffling clothes and endless searching, we get used to sorting clothes daily. Pay attention to spots and stains that need immediate attention, and sort the clothes into those for the dry cleaner and those for the washing machine. Daily sorting will ensure that we are not surprised by an ugly stain on our favorite piece the next time we want to wear it.

14. Always have "first aid" ready for crisis fashion situations.

We can prepare 100%, but unfortunately, sometimes something goes wrong. The difference between elegant women and the rest is that the former are truly prepared. They carry "first aid" with stain remover, safety clips, plasters and double-sided adhesive tape, which are ready when blisters, torn zippers or torn tights strike.

15. Stay true to your personal style.

Chic women never bow to trends. They always stock classic pieces that always flatter and never go out of style. And this is the reason why they never complain that their closet lacks clothes.

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