
DanceArt: Urban rhythms with Casino - Fridays

In anticipation of the warmest days, boldness will be even more desirable on the dance floor, and alluring and sovereign movement will be the ticket to real fun. At Kazina dance school, we gathered all the girls for whom dancing on Fridays is a challenge. Dance teacher Andreja Vakselj revealed new dance moves, steps and poses. ...

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V pričakovanju najtoplejših dni bo na plesiščih drznost še bolj zaželena, mikavno in suvereno gibanje pa bosta vstopnica do prave zabave. V plesni šoli Kazina smo se tokrat zbrala vsa dekleta, ki jim je ples v petkah izziv. Učiteljica plesa Andreja Vakselj je razkrivala nove plesne gibe, korake in poze. Po plesu nas je čakalo sladkanje v kavarni Zvezda

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