
Dangerous women you wouldn't want to deal with

We present to you some real-life spies, warriors, godmothers and terrorists whose life stories could inspire too many thrillers.

The mentioned ladies represent a real international danger and their abilities can compete with many criminals. Many times they remain unknown precisely because they are pulling threads from the background.

Nisreen Mansour Al Forgani
Nisreen Mansour Al Forgani

Now 21 years old Nisreen was a member of Gaddafi's women's police and is said to have executed 11 rebels at the start of the Libyan civil war. When she was arrested, Nisreen said she was forced into the crimes. According to her, a family friend forced her to join the police force, where she was trained as a sniper, abused and threatened with death if she did not comply. commands. Nisreen managed to escape, jumping out of a second-story window, and was then hit by another truck, but still managed to limp to freedom.

Marllory Dadiana Chacon Rossel
Marllory Dadiana Chacon Rossel

A lady who moves in high society has magic fingers when it comes to money laundering and drug smuggling. In 2012, her assets were frozen in the United States because she was said to be one of the most enterprising drug traffickers in Central America. It should be out of the area every month Guatemala and Honduras moved a thousand kilograms of cocaine, with which it supplies the notorious Mexican cartels. Even though she won't rip your heart out of your chest with her own hands, that doesn't mean someone else won't do it for her.

Colonel Fanette Umuraza alias Queen no.1
Colonel Fanette Umuraza alias Queen no.1

Military commander of the Congolese revolutionaries army called M23, according to the reports of the Human Rights Watch organization, his hands are honestly stained with the blood of massacres, rapes and the recruitment of child soldiers. While her soldiers pillage in the field, the dangerous sociopath gets manicures and gives interviews to the European press portraying her as a feminist.

Samantha Lewthwaite aka The White Widow
Samantha Lewthwaite aka The White Widow

The 29-year-old mother is on Interpol's list of most wanted international criminals. Not only for her alleged involvement in the Nairobi shopping mall bombing, but also for planning to bomb a Kenyan tourist residence in 2011. Samantha's life is a puzzle. The Irish woman first hit the British papers in 2005, as the unsuspecting pregnant wife of a London terrorist. Then she disappeared from the face of the earth for a few years and reappeared in Kenya, where she began to be seen with a Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab. By 2011, the Somali authorities were already prosecuting her for planning bombings in Mombasa. The danger mommy is so adept at shuttling between Kenya and Somalia using many fake passports that she is impossible to trace. Because of her skills, she has already become a true legend. Lewthwaite pledged to pass on the terrorist mission to her children.

Anna Chapman alias Anna Kuschenko
Anna Chapman alias Anna Kuschenko

Anna Kuschenko even in his early thirties, he narrowly missed the title of the most dangerous spy in America. Her mission, which was to obtain information from important American institutions and pass only this information to Moscow, was prematurely interrupted when she was sent back home in exchange for the extradition of four Russians suspected of leaking classified information to the West. Anna Kuschenko she is the epitome of the femme fatale. The red-haired beauty is the true stereotype of a Russian spy, which she successfully cashed in on after her revelation, as she appeared on the covers of many magazines. She is multi-talented and dangerous, if for no other reason than because of her close friendship with Vladimir Putin, she is said to have had a romantic affair, and her pet, a lion.

Maria Licciardi alias Godfather, La Piccolina
Maria Licciardi alias Godfather, La Piccolina

Now 62 years old Maria Licciardi from 1993 to 2001, she ruled the Camorra mafia syndicate in Napoli with an iron hand. It was the only way she could keep the peace between the 20 founding clans. During her "mandate" she also introduced a trade in white goods. Her reign began to come to an end in 1999 when disagreements over the sale of heroin led to a mob war in which more than 100 people were killed. The police could not trace her. From her hiding place, she was still running all the threads and even ordered the bombing of the prosecutor's office. She was finally found in a luxurious hideout with marble floors and a jacuzzi built in the attic of a crumbling building. In 2001, she was finally put behind bars, from where she continues to lead Camorra.


The Mother of Nine is more than a criminal, an invincible warrior in the name of a holy war. Ever since 1970, when the Soviet Union tried to occupy Afghanistan, it has been fighting. Even after the death of her husband, she fought on, even when she was forced to disguise herself as a man. Soon she was commanding many men. She says she killed many enemies; from the Russians in the 80s to the Taliban in the last decade. Despite giving the impression of a frail and sun-dried grandmother, she is still a brilliant tactician, a rebel leader and a figure that inspires the awe of the Mujahideen.

Enedina Arellano Felix aka Narkomami
Enedina Arellano Felix aka Narkomami

When all her brothers ended up in prison or in the grave in 2008, Enedina rose to the top of the Tijuana cartel and became the queen of traffickers. Although it has so far worked to reduce bloodshed and increase profits, less blood is still a lot of blood. After all, we are talking about an organization responsible for the biggest killings in Mexico's rich drug history. Probably the good news is that under Enedina's command, the cartel is resorting to kidnapping rather than murder. But we can imagine that this "soft-heartedness" stops if everything does not go according to Narkomami's plan.

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