
Bold beauties loved by the most famous rockers

Which daring girls charmed the best former, deceased and still active rockers? In an extensive gallery, we have collected photos of couples who made a mark in the world of rock 'n' roll.

V Google type in the name of any famous rocker and watch it happen in the search engine. A predictable search will almost certainly show at the very top of the search options at least one, if not more, names of famous beauties who dared and still dare to love the rocker. If there is no name, there will definitely be only the term "girl" or "girlfriend" in English.

This proves that most people looking for information about the rocker in question are also interested in who his heart belongs to. Why? We assume it's because almost everyone is interested in where it comes from inspiration for the creation of our favorite love songs - which women were so fatal that they managed to mark the history of popular music and charm the new-age demigods who nowadays walk the world in the form of rock stars?

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