
Bold questions to ask on a first date

It always works: bold questions to ask on a first date

On a first date, there are risks of awkward silences and moments when you don't know where to put your hands, where to look and what to say - don't worry, these bold questions to ask on a first date can help you overcome all obstacles.

We have collected some ideas that will help you from the conundrum of awkward silence on a first date, and at the same time they help you get to know the person, with whom you will potentially be in a partnership relationship.

Questions to ask on a first date:

If you could have coffee with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be?

The answer to this question doesn't say much about a person, but the interpretation of the answer reveals a lot - you can find out what he prioritizes, what issues are important to him and what people he admires.

Who is your favorite writer?

If you find out on a date that you like similar books, you have a lot in common - so it's a question worth bringing up. The books you read say a lot more about you than you think.

How would friends describe him?
How would friends describe him?

How would your friends describe you?

When you challenge a person to describe themselves from someone else's perspective, they feel less comfortable revealing their good and bad qualities. In this way, you reveal something more about your relationships with your friends, which is a welcome piece of information.

What superpower would you like to have?

A bit of a trivia question that's fun - use it if there's an awkward silence between the two of you, it's sure to put you both at ease!

What was your favorite trip?

Travel stories are fun to tell and listen to, but also tell a lot about the person's life and personality. Has he/she traveled a lot? Is she an adventurer?

How would your friends describe you?
How would your friends describe you?

What movie can you watch over and over again and never get bored?

It's a casual question that's great for starting a date - you can take the conversation to different areas later on.

What is your greatest achievement?

This question can be a bit scary for a shy interlocutor, so it's important to ask it at the right moment - because achievement doesn't necessarily mean academic or career success, because overcoming a fear of flying, animals, food, etc. can also be a huge achievement for someone.

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