
Intergenerational Solidarity Day

We will celebrate April 29, the European Day of Intergenerational Solidarity and the first year of the establishment of the movement for intergenerational cooperation. On the platform in front of Maximarket.-We are preparing an interesting cultural program in which performers of all ages participate.

Important information
Square in front of Maximarket, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

We will celebrate April 29, the European Day of Intergenerational Solidarity and the first year of the establishment of the movement for intergenerational cooperation.

On the platform in front of Maximarket.

-We are preparing an interesting cultural program in which performers of all ages participate.
- Organizations that care for greater intergenerational coexistence will present themselves at the stands.
-Volunteer campaign "You give me a story, I give you a bag". Young people will help in folding and carrying the bought to cars or home. In return, the elders will share life wisdom with the young.
– Refresh yourself with a free goulash.

Free entry!

more about the event at www.f3zo.si!

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