
Day to Night: 24 hours in one photo

24 hours in one photo

Day to Night is a series of photographs by Stephen Wilkes, consisting of shots that compressed all parts of the day into one scene. The American puts his camera in a fixed place in a chosen location and takes over 1,500 photos in 24 hours, from which he finally composes one. The result is scenes of London, New York, Paris, Jerusalem in all shades of the day. The photographs are on display at the Day to Night exhibition in New York and Paris.

Day to Night are beautiful photos that show famous places at different times of the day. Photographs by an American photographer Stephen Wilkes, which were created all the time since 2009, are on view at the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery in New York until January 9, 2015 and at the Paris Photography Event between November 12 and 15, 2015 at the Grand Palais.

READ MORE: Hide and Seek: Living in the Digital Age in One Photo

But so that you don't have to go that far, we are his the most interesting works collected in the gallery below. We think you owe us at least a coffee 😉

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