
Days of fairy tales and creative workshops in Celje

December is the most fairy-tale month, and it would be hard to find a more suitable period for Fairy Tale Days. If there is also creation, everything is even more beautiful.

Important information
TO "Zarja" Trnovlje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Admission to fairy evenings is free. Admission to performances: Children, schoolchildren, students: 3 euros and adults: 5 euros

Days of fairy tales, the fifth in a row, bring in A whole three fairy-tale evenings with creative workshops and three theatrical fairy tales. The creative workshops will take place during three Monday afternoon-evening hours, during which the storytellers will tell the little ones fairy tales, and at the same time, there will be a lot of creativity, from simple festive decorations to greeting cards and gifts.

During theater performances, we will be able to see the plays The Elf, The Little Duckling and The Adventures of Pinocchio. The latter will premiere just a few days earlier. Like every year, this time too it will be above all - fabulous.

According to events.
According to events.

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