
Dear woman, you deserve a man who guards you like a drop of water in the palm of his hand

You deserve a partner who knows what he's got when he's got you.

You deserve to be with someone who understands your worth. With someone who loves you, appreciates you and thinks you are more than enough.

You deserve a partner who won't leave. You deserve someone who is patient.

You deserve someone to stick with you no matter what.

Someone who will fight for you when you push them away in a moment of anger or sadness.

You deserve a partner who, instead of being afraid of the walls you've built around yourself to protect yourself from pain, will do anything to tear them down.

You deserve a partner you can always count on.

Someone who will always be there when you need him.

You deserve a love that is safe. A partner who won't leave you in the cold.

You deserve a partner who makes you feel wanted.

You deserve to be the first thing he thinks about in the morning and the last thing he remembers before he falls asleep.

You deserve a partner who calls, shows up and wants to spend the day with you.

You deserve someone who will give you their undivided attention and cherish every moment spent with you.

You deserve a partner you can always count on.

You deserve a partner who cares about you.

You deserve a partner who cares about you when you don't hear from each other all day.

A partner who truly cares and wants the best for you.

You deserve a partner who loves you endlessly.

Someone who brings out the best in you. Someone who makes you a better person. Someone who loves you so much that he can't imagine his life without you.

Someone who, when thinking about the future, imagines you in it.

You deserve a partner who looks at you like you're magic.

You deserve a man who thinks you're the best thing that ever happened to him.

Someone who sees you as a prize.

Someone who prioritizes you because you are the most important person in his life.

Someone who is afraid of losing you. Someone who never thinks of you as a burden.

Someone who never feels like your love is too much.

Someone who knows your worth and believes in your future together.

Someone who never gives up on you.

Someone who knows what he has when you're with him.

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