Roméo and Juliette meet in a Parisian nightclub. The attraction is immediate and a whirlwind romance soon follows with a child, Adam. The life of a young family turns upside down overnight when a doctor announces to the parents that their son is seriously ill. Despite the shocking news, Roméo and Juliette gather all...
Roméo and Juliette meet in a Parisian nightclub. The attraction is immediate and a whirlwind romance soon follows with a child, Adam. The life of a young family turns upside down overnight when a doctor announces to the parents that their son is seriously ill. Despite the shocking news, Roméo and Juliette gather all their strength, declare war on the disease and embark on a fierce battle in which they reveal all their virtues, weaknesses, fears and secrets to each other. The film is an autobiographical narrative about a young couple that, despite the difficult subject matter, is bursting with energy, humor and playfulness.