
Dejan Stojančević: reflections of city sights in drops

City landmarks in the reflection of drops

Some time ago, we wrote about the photographer Petar Adams-Shawn, who impressed with a series of wedding photos with reflections of the wedding in his eyes and wedding rings, and the young photographer from Belgrade, Dejan Stojančević, found a similar "market niche". In contrast to clichéd photos of city landmarks, he captures his subjects in the reflection of drops.

Most tourists return home with quite similar photos city attractions. The memory cards of their cameras are full of photos taken by many before them. But not photos of Serbs Dejan Stojančević, which has been chasing the pulse of cities for the last 15 years in the reflection of drops. It started with a photograph from the window of the house and grew into a project that includes the motifs of many world famous cities.

READ MORE: Wedding photos: the reflection of marriage in wedding rings

Ada bridge in Belgrade.
Ada bridge in Belgrade.

Due to the time span of the project, some photos were taken on classic movie, but most of them are digital. At the same time, it should be added that Stojančević does not use Photoshop, but merely macro photography, so every photo may not be without flaws, but this very imperfection gives them an additional charm, because they do not seem contrived.

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