
Bachelorette party: Unconventional ideas for a great women's party

When we hear the word "girly", many things come to mind - straws with mini penises, too much drink, printed T-shirts and a lot of wasted money. But the hen party doesn't have to be in a tasteless spirit - forget about hiring a groomsman and ditch the kitschy accessories, because there are alternative ways to organize a top women's party. Here are unconventional ideas for the perfect bachelorette party…

Why not organize a bachelorette party for your friend, the bride-to-be, that she would like and actually look forward to? Here are alternative ideas for an unforgettable bachelorette party that depart from the classic notion of a party after which nothing will be the same again...


For the bride-to-be who loves nature and camping, a glamorous camping trip is perfect, which should not pass without a visit to the spa, trying culinary delights and sipping quality champagne under the starry sky.

An unforgettable trip

If the bride-to-be likes to travel, let's organize a trip for her to a city she hasn't visited yet. It doesn't have to be on the other side of the world, but it should certainly be full of interesting things that she will be happy to see in the company of her dearest friends. The fun can start already on the train...

Wine tasting

For all those who love a drop of quality wine, a visit to one of the Slovenian tourist farms with well-stocked wine cellars will be perfect. The surrounding nature and countless opportunities for sports and culinary activities together with wine tasting make for an unforgettable experience full of laughter and friendly warmth.

Wellness vacation

Doesn't the bride-to-be want a party full of alcohol and dirty games before the big day? Instead of going to the city center, we take her to the nearest wellness center, where she can enjoy all her favorite care treatments in good company.

Dancing until the morning hours

If the bride-to-be likes to dance, let's take her dancing. When choosing a disco, club or concert, let's take into account her taste and adapt to it, because this will be the last crazy evening when she can dance until the morning hours without a wedding ring on her hand.

Adrenaline bomb

For adrenaline enthusiasts, a visit to the adrenaline park, bungee jump, tandem skydive... Let's choose something that the bride-to-be has not yet dared to try, and the adrenaline experience should be followed by a good lunch and fun until the morning hours.

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