
Workshop: Secrets of the Glass Forest

In conjunction with the Contemporary Finnish Glass 2005-2010 exhibition, we invite you to a tour of the exhibition and a creative workshop for the whole family. The workshop is suitable for the whole family. Price 3.5 euros. Duration: 120 minutes. The children take away the products made in the workshops...

Important information
NMS - Prešernova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Ob razstavi Sodobno finsko steklo 2005-2010 vas vabimo na vodstvo po razstavi in ustvarjalno delavnico za vso družino.

Delavnica je primerna za vso družino. Cena 3,5 eur. Trajanje: 120 minut. Izdelke, narejene na delavnicah, otroci odnesejo domov.

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