
Deleted messages that someone would rather forget?! How to read deleted WhatsApp messages like a real hacker!

Photo. Pexels / Anton

Have you ever received a message that was deleted by the hypoma sender before you could read it? Ah, that frustration and curiosity! Don't worry, now you can become a real WhatsApp Sherlock. There are ways to get a deleted message back from digital "limbo," and yes, a few tweaks to the settings will reveal what it said. But be careful! Sometimes a message is deleted for a reason and maybe you don't want to know everything someone tried to hide... get ready for a tech scavenger hunt!

So how does the magic of recovering deleted messages work?

First of all, if you are a proud owner of an Android phone, you are in for an interesting discovery. Google has long since included a function that saves you in moments when someone deletes a message before you even manage to read it. The key to unlocking deleted WhatsApp messages lies in the Notification History. Sound complicated? Don't worry – this feature works by logging all the notifications you receive on your phone, including those from WhatsApp. When you enable this option, you will be able to access all the notifications you received, even if the messages were later deleted. Magic, right?

The process is very simple:

1. Open Settings on your phone.
2. Navigate to the tab Notifications.
3. Find the option Notification history and activate it.

So, now you have insight into everything that was sent and later deleted. But beware – for this trick to work, you need to have notifications turned on when you receive the message. If you turned off your phone or were not connected to the Internet during this time, this will not be recorded. In this case, even the best technology does not help you!

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What about the iPhone? Alas, it is not that easy…

For iPhone users, things are not so simple. Namely, Apple has not included a similar function that Android has. Here it will be necessary to resort to more complicated methods, such as restoring WhatsApp messages from backups. However, this method requires that you have previously set up regular storage of conversations in iCloud. If you have already done this, you can uninstall the app and reinstall it - this will load all your old messages, including those that have been deleted in the meantime. Difficult, but it works.

Is it worth it to spy on deleted messages?

Well, there is room for a moral dilemma here. Are you sure you really want to know what someone accidentally or intentionally wanted to hide from you? People sometimes delete messages because they were written in an affect, misunderstood or simply too impulsive. Like you, they probably regret what they wrote. Before you start researching deleted messages, ask yourself, “Do I really want to know this?”

Photo: Pexels / Anton

Don't forget about privacy too! While it may be fun to uncover digital secrets, it's important to respect the boundaries and privacy of others. Spying on deleted messages may lead you down a path where you'll learn more than you wanted to - and you can't "un-see" it later.

Make technology work for you, not against you

Reading deleted messages may seem fun or useful, but there are always consequences. If you use these tricks, do so responsibly. Technology can be a great tool, but it can also be a trap if you use it without thinking. Keep in mind that sometimes you also delete a message that you would rather leave forgotten. So, before using these methods, ask yourself if you really want to know everything… and if it's even your business.

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