
Dendrobium – an electric hypercar modeled after Formula 1

Hyperathlete Dendrobium

If you thought that the cars with the best acceleration are still Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis, you are honestly wrong. In the game of tenths, newcomers to the market, such as Tesla, Croatian Rimac, Faraday Future, etc., overtake them on the right. Now the Dendrobium hypercar from the Singaporean company Vanda Electrics is joining the hunt for tenths, heralding an electric beast like no other road has ever seen.

Vanda Electrics is relatively unknown. but not completely a new player in the automotive market. Until now, they have been producing electric mopeds and delivery people. Dendrobium but it is a giant leap forward. It is hyper sportsman, who wants to mix with the best.

The study, which will be presented for the first time at the Geneva Motor Show, certainly confirms this. The Singaporean company produced it together with the Formula 1 team Williams Advanced Engineering. An electric rocket on four wheels is made modeled on a car, but it can do incredible things 1500 hp (1102 kW) and acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h of everything 2.6 seconds.

READ MORE: Tesla Model S P100D has become a racing car that accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in record time

Two-seater Dendrobium got its name according to the type of orchid, which is a native species in Singapore. Why such a name? Because automatic opening of the roof and doors, which unfold like the blossom of this flower. The interior is covered in leather from the Bridge of Weir Leather Company.

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