
Dermatologists wouldn't dream of putting this on their skin

Dermatologists wouldn't dream of putting this on their skin

If you can trust anyone when it comes to taking care of your skin, it's dermatologists - and you wouldn't dream of putting this on your skin!

In the desire to keep your skin clean, soft and shiny, it often happens that you care for it with tons of beauty products, which do not bring the desired results. Before you start looking for the right products for your skin, it is important to ask yourself, what you do NOT need and what You must NOT give on the skin of the face, experts say.

Rule less is more it also applies in the skin care world, that's why dermatologists wouldn't dream of putting this on their skin!

Performing a chemical peel or microdermabrasion at home

Chemical peels are popular among women who want to improve the appearance of the skin, namely to remove dead cells, treat skin damage, reduce small wrinkles... Experts say that there is nothing wrong with this procedure, but it should not be performed at home.

Many women buy chemical peeling devices online, thinking that they will do themselves a favor and save money with home care. Dermatologists say that such products are unverified and badly too strong for home use - your skin may become red, discolored, flaky or scarred.

Microdermabrasion should not be done at home!
Microdermabrasion should not be done at home!

It is similar with microdermabrasion, in which a device with small needles corrects skin irregularities. Experts are convinced that by doing this treatment at home, you are likely to cause infection, very big. Holes are made in the skin which disrupt the natural condition of the skin. And only dermatologists know how to properly bring them back to normal.

Shower sponge for cleansing the face

Dermatologists cross themselves like hell they avoid the shower sponge, namely, they never clean their face with it - because it is this one too aggressive and irritates the skin. It should also be avoided because it is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can only worsen skin irregularities or irritate healthy skin.

The shower net is not suitable for cleaning the face
The shower net is not suitable for cleaning the face

Experts say you shouldn't use thread facial cleansing brush, because the skin is too sensitive and you have to handle it carefully gently.

Facial peeling with aggressive products

Exfoliating your face is an important part of skin care, but there's no reason you shouldn't abrasive scrubs that irritate the skin and promote hyperpigmentation (discolored face, spots). Experts say that there is no need to use aggressive scrubs, but it is enough to use gentle liquid facial soap, which you spread on hands and clean your face. Then wipe it with cotton towel or hands. And don't rub!

Do not exfoliate your face with aggressive products
Do not exfoliate your face with aggressive products

Toothpaste as a remedy for pimples

You've probably heard that you can with toothpaste eliminate skin breakouts, which are usually visible in the form of pimples. This is said to be a myth because toothpaste only dries out the skin. It's best yes you wait for the outbreak to pass, because pimples are just your body's response to a certain condition and are a normal phenomenon. If you are really unexpected, however, you can find the right pimple product that will make sure that it is the redness disappeared a little earlier.

Shampoo as a facial cleanser

The shampoo is intended for cleaning the hair, which means that it consists of substances that they are not suitable for cleaning your delicate skin face. The shampoo contains substances that remove oil and dead cells from your hair and is too aggressive for the skin on the face, experts say.

Shampoo is meant to wash your hair, not your skin.
Shampoo is meant to wash your hair, not your skin.

It is similar with hand soap, which should not be used for face or body care, because the soap consists of rough, unnatural chemicals that they dry out and they irritate the skin.

What else would dermatologists never put on their skin?

  • Hotel soaps, because contain fragrances, which irritate the skin. Bring your own unscented soap instead.
  • Tonic that contains alcohol and so drains the skin. Use rose water instead.
  • They never wash their face with very hot water and a whole year they use cream with a protection factor.

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