

Alexander Payne is the author of the Oscar-winning film Sideways, but this time he presents the film Descendants, the common thread of which is the unpredictable story of an American family. Matt King is a husband and father of two daughters, ten-year-old Scottie and seventeen-year-old Alexandra. His life changes drastically with the news that his wife is in...

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Alexander Payne is the author of the Oscar-winning film Sideways, but this time he presents the film Descendants, the common thread of which is the unpredictable story of an American family. Matt King is a husband and father of two daughters, ten-year-old Scottie and seventeen-year-old Alexandra. His life changes drastically when he receives the news that his wife has suffered a sea accident near Waikiki. And when Alexandra tells him that his mother was having an affair at the time of the accident, Matt begins to look at life and his legacy in a completely different way and sets out to find his wife's lover. Funny and difficult moments follow, until he finally realizes that he is actually on the path of transforming his life and family. The film received five Oscar nominations, and the excellent George Clooney will also fight for the prestigious statuette.

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