
Grovemade: desk accessories for a perfectly organized desk

Grovemade tabletop collection

Grovemade's collection of desk accessories ensures that our desk always works flawlessly.

Common items such as a computer monitor, keyboard, mouse, lamp, pen holder and flower pot are found on every desk these days. Due to the multitude of all items, our table can quickly look messy, and the problem can be solved in the simplest way with the new collection of table accessories Grovemade.

The mouse pad also has a stylus slot.
The mouse pad also has a stylus slot.

The products are made of walnut or maple wood, and the product lines are rounded, which is why they are extremely pleasant to the touch and bring a bit of modern style and nature into the working environment. The collection consists of a monitor stand, keyboard tray, mouse pad, ruler, pen holder, paper clip holder, flower pot, lamp and phone holder. All products are ergonomically designed, which ensures particularly comfortable use.

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