
Desserts the world was obsessed with the year you were born

Do you love desserts? Us too! And because we can never have enough of them, this time we searched for the desserts that the world was obsessed with the year you/we were born. Don't worry, we've also included the recipes, so you can delight your guests with a dessert that delighted the world that long ago.

You may know what happened the year you were born. But you certainly don't know which cake or pastry was the world obsessed with that year. And we can help you with that. We have collected the most popular desserts, all from 1950 to 2016, which are the world completely insane and which even today remain those desserts with which you will never go wrong. That's why we attached it also recipes. We wish you happy sweetening!

READ MORE: Marie Troïtskaia - Cakes with shiny frosting with amazing decoration

Gallery - The desserts the world was obsessed with the year you were born

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