
The Detroit electric SP:01 continues where the Tesla roadster left off

The Detroit car company, known from the first half of the 20th century for the production of electric cars, experienced a revival in 2008, the first prominent product of which is the announced electric sports coupe, strongly similar in design to Tesla's electric debut - the Tesla Roadster.

With this one boutique brands, they are announced for next year arrival on the market and serial production of a smaller sports coupe with a name SP:01, whose first official photos have now been leaked to the public.

Unlike the roadster study, in the case of the serial version, it is a coupé "fastback" version, which will, among other things, the fastest production electric sports coupe, when before the start of the next summer season it will enter the markets of the USA, Asia and Europe

Despite its electric design, the SP:01 has large air intakes on the engine cover that serve to cool the drivetrain under heavy loads.
Despite its electric design, the SP:01 has large air intakes on the engine cover that serve to cool the drivetrain under heavy loads.

The sporty two-seater is s tesla roadster share an important feature namely the fact that they both models based on the model lotus elise, which also gives them a great degree of design affinity, although there are still differences. According to the manufacturer SP:01 for acceleration he needs everything to a hundred 3.7 seconds, while the speedometer stops at 249 km/h. Production should run at the end of the year in a factory in Great Britain, when the few examples of this exotic athlete will roll off the assembly line.

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In the external image, we see that the car is made for speed, as it is richer than the study larger rear wings or rather a spoiler that has along with rear diffuser the task at higher speeds to create more more pressure to the ground and thus better driving characteristics.

Despite the electric design, it has a sports coupe on the bonnet and bumper large openings for air intake, which serve for cooling of electrical systems, to prevent overheating during heavy loads.

Battery pack is placed in a special security cage made of composite materials, which further increases his torsional strength and reduces vibrations on poor driving surfaces, and in the event of an accident it offers additional protection for batteries and passengers.

The price the exotic electric athlete is not yet known, but it is supposed to be more favorable than prices tesla roadster, which, in addition to accessibility, should also have a favorable effect on the desirability itself and also on the market numbers of the SP:01 model.

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