
Did you know that using your phone and texting leads to bad posture?

Although mobile devices have made our lives easier to a large extent, they hide their pitfalls. The list of problems they bring has now been joined by the harmful effect on the spine, which is the result of bending the head when our eyes are glued to the phone or tablet screen. That's when your neck is pressed by a force equal to the weight of six full grocery bags or four bowling balls.

This is not about some conspiracy against the use of mobile devices, just for the study of Dr. Ken Hansraj, an orthopedist and spine surgeon from New York, who measured the impact of a typical slouched posture when reading content on a mobile phone (i.e. bent head and drooping shoulders) on our body.

The study of Dr. Kena Hansraj was published in the journal Surgical Technology International.
The study of Dr. Kena Hansraj was published in the magazine "Surgical Technology International".

As it turned out this attitude, so characteristic inclination headers when operating with smart devices- while megabytes are being transferred there- means transferring a lot of extra pressure on the cervical spine, otherwise the main pillar of our body. Average head weight namely in the neutral position it is between 4.5 and 5.5 kg, but when we tilt it forward, its force pressing on the neck increases even up to 27 kg! Which means only one thing. That the more times we burden our head like this, the closer we are to constant pain and surgery.

Correct your posture and save yourself neck pain. Keep your head up, it's not that bad.
Correct your posture and save yourself neck pain. Keep your head up, it's not that bad.

In fact, the matter is quite alarming because everywhere you look, people have their eyes fixed on a smart device. So the matter is of epidemic proportions.

READ MORE: Control your iPhone with your head

Not that we are against technology, the message of this lies elsewhere. Be aware of your posture, as in sitting. And if you are not enough self-disciplined, ask a friend to warn you not to have an unhealthy attitude, otherwise it may happen that we go back down the road evolution of man.

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